Uganda supports criminalizing international HIV spread

The government of Uganda has moved to support a provision in the proposed HIV/AIDS bill criminalizing the intentional spread of HIV/AIDS.

The bill proposes tough penalties including life imprisonment for convicts of intentional spread of the virus.

Government had earlier opposed the provision in the private members’ bill, which has received wide criticism from both local and international rights bodies for reportedly stigmatizing people living with HIV/AIDS.

Dr. Richard Nduhura, Uganda's Minister of State for Health
Appearing before the HIV/AIDS committee today, the State Minister for Health, Dr. Richard Nduhura said the government is now convinced that intentional spread of the virus should be punished.

According to committee chairperson, Beatrice Rwakimari, the bill will be tabled before Parliament for the First reading next week before public hearings begin.

Ultimate Media

See another Ultimate Media story analysing the proposed law

Why some HIV Transmission should be punished
An article on the Bio Ethics Forum

Is there a role for criminal law in HIV prevention?

An article by the University of California, San Francisco

Wave of laws aimed at HIV
published by the Department of Epidemology, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles

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