Jildo was of great help to Daudi a fellow martyr in gathering the children for the instruction with his gentle way and infantile insistence. He knew also how to entertain them with interesting village games and noisy and merry meetings. He had spontaneously and very willingly offered to go with Daudi to teach God’s word in Paimol.
Here everyone loved him because of his availability and exemplary character while performing in his duties as assistant-catechist. Jildo also occasionally acted as secretary to the vice-chief Ogal in Paimol
Jildo Irwa was born around 1906 in the village of Bar-Kitoba, North-West of Kitgum, from pagan parents: Ato, his mother, and Okeny, his father who later became a Christian.Jildo was baptized by Cesare Gambaretto on 6 June 1916, at the age of 10-12 years and was confirmed on 15 October 1916.
On the morning of their martyrdom despite that Daudi warned him about a possible cruel death Jildo insisted on facing death. And since he insisted on facing the cruel death his killers pushed him outside the hut and pierced him with a spear. Then one of them struck Jildo’s head with a knife.
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