Parliament proceedings on day two of the Second Reading of the presidential age limit bill was suspended to 2 pm on Tuesday to ascertain whether there were alleged soldiers in the parliamentary chapel.
The woman Member of Parliament for Amuru district Lucy Akello said she had found soldiers occupying both the Catholic and Anglican Chaplaincy prayer places at parliament.
Bukoli central MP Somon Silwany was confronted by Hon. Odonga Otto defended the soldiers, saying that they were praying prompting the speaker to suspend the proceedings to 2 pm to establish who the people in the chaplaincy were.
ALSO READ:Speaker suspends six MPs
However, in the course of the lunch time recess, “I also got complaints from the Anglican chaplaincy; i got complaints that there were also plates. I want the Minister of internal affairs to explain who those people are. I want an explanation.” The speaker of parliament said.
Last week The Speaker gave a directive that non-Parliament security be withdrawn from the precincts of Parliament. It would be an abuse of the authority of the Speaker, if indeed it’s confirmed that there were other security personnel in the precincts. Chris Obore parliament spokesperson said.
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