We also present you a chance to relay articles on your products and services or about yourself as an individual or organization. Explain to the world what you are and what you want people to know about you or your products and services. We have a team of experienced copy writers and editors to help you tell your story in compelling ways that attract public interest and support.
More importantly, we help present your news and information in multimedia ways and language suitable for online including search engine optimization. Webtorials are like advertorials or supplements in a newspaper to help tell your story in more detail beyond the advert. Webtorials are very effective because they help you reach much more people (globally) with your message at anytime, all the time than you would ever reach people with a message in traditional print media, radio or television. Webtorials help you to tell your story as you want it (on good record) and help shape the debates on your product, services or issues.
The fees are very affordable, as we can do for you a webtorial starting from 200,000UGX or $100 depending on nature of information, how much we need to do to make out a good article, days working on webtorial and distance to information centers.
Contact: webstorial(at)weinformers.net Tel+256414953555/ +256772344614
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Examples of Webtorials we have done
A story on the hopes, practices and challenges of one fish factory Uganda.
Child Restoration Outreach Gives New Hope to Uganda’s street Children
Ideas Africa cutting across border
A teacher turns into an entrepreneur and earns big from selling Ugandan arts and crafts all over the world.
They must sell you the item. But you buy the item only at your saddest moment. How do they negotiate with you the right price, or convince you to buy from them? This story explores the trials and tribulations of coffin sellers in Uganda.
Following the popularity of Bobi Wine’s song, Kiwani, a journalist ventured into making a movie called Kiwani the Movie. This article explores the movie and gives a Q& A with Henry Ssali, the brain behind the movie.
Sports Gambling mania infects Kampala, But
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