Regular teeth scaling and polishing important-dental surgeon

By John Isingoma, Ultimate Media

A dental surgeon from Mulago National referral hospital has recommended regular teeth
scaling (clinical cleaning) and polishing to avoid tooth decay and smelling mouths.

Dr. Haruna Kiryowa says that teeth scaling, which involves removing stains, plague and any other dirt
from teeth help to keep them free from bacteria habiting substances that are dangerous to their

Kiryowa says that teeth scaling is not only for people who do not brush teeth, but for everyone and that this is because no one can be sure of thorough cleaning of teeth by mere brushing.

“Smelly, bleeding mouth and shaking teeth are some of the signs to guide someone to seek teeth scaling and polishing,” Kiryowa said in an interview, adding that teeth scaling can be done using two methods-manual and using modern hi-tech procedures.

He says that at the moment Mulago hospital has an ultrasonic energy machine that is so fast and
effective in teeth scaling and that after teeth scaling, polishing is done to smoothen the teeth to
look good.

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