Higher death rate for low income HIV patients

By Gideon Munaabi, Ultimate Media

A new study has found out that HIV patients with a low socioeconomic status are likelier to die much more often than patients with higher levels of wealth and education.

According to the study published in the November issue of Health Care for Poor and Underserved, these
findings are of concern given the high rates of HIV among patients with low socioeconomic status.

The study says that it is among these groups that the infection is increasing most rapidly, even though
there are better treatments available than we used to have.

The report warns that there is still reason for alarm because the groups that are most likely to get
infected are less likely to get treatment and are dying at much higher rates.

It says that there is need to look at improving care and find ways to help the low socioeconomic status
population and that more resources should be put toward those groups.

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