Leaders asked to discourage bottle-feeding

By Jude Bukenya, Ultimate Media

As part of the efforts to advocate for exclusive breast feeding among women, local council leaders have
been asked to discourage bottle feeding for young babies.

The senior health educationist at the Ministry of Health Child Division, Tabley Bakyaita said that local
leaders should encourage women to fully breastfeed children up to 2 years when they mature.

He was speaking during the launching of the breastfeeding week and sensitizing of district
councilors about their roles in the activities in the child days campaign in Mpigi district on Thursday.

She said that because leaders frequently interact with masses, they are in the best position to educate them about the importance of child days and the roles parents are supposed to play during the campaign.

The breastfeeding week is designed to equip the public especially women with information on how and
why they should embrace breastfeeding.

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