Ultimate Media
He used to be the governor of Mubende district. The district was three years ago broken into two to formMityana district. Now Col. Kasirye Ggwanga wants to be the governor of the smaller Mityana district where he expects to do bigger things that he didn’t when the district was bigger.
Col. Ggwanga also says he will contest for LCV seat of Mityana come 2011 polls which are expected in early 2011 during Uganda’s general elections.
The Colonel while addressing residents of Mityana at Mityana district head offices blamed insecurity, corruption and poor supply of food on leaders whom he said fail to guide their residents for fear of losing polls.

He says people die of dysentery, cholera and other diseases partly because leaders don’t enforce hygiene policies.
Gwanga attacked MPs and leaders in Local Government for failure to support and implement by laws to guide their people.