Greetings from CPAUG
CPAUG as a UN Global Alliance on ICT & Development Community of Expertise on Youth Social Technopreneurship (GAID CoE) Coordinator is now inviting all ICT stakeholders in Uganda and others with an interest ICT4D to participate in this stock taking exercise that we are now running as a pre- World Telecommunication/Information Society Day 2010 (+5WSIS) online review on “WSIS Action Plan and the Action Lines” enshrined therein better known as the WSIS Declaration of Principles
A report will be produced and shared as a stock taking report and sent to ITU & UN GAID before April 30th 2010 for consideration into the global WSIS report and it will also be shared during the 2010 Information Society Day celebrations in Uganda on 17th May 2010. The consultation can be done online or by filling in the attached form.
Please see the attached concept note and feedback form for your reference.
Your positive feedback on this by 24th April 2010 will be highly appreciated to enable us to prepare the final report.
Kiapi K. Frederick
Global Coordinator
Commonwealth Peoples’ Association of Uganda (CPAUG)
C/o P. O. Box 10358 Kampala, Uganda
Plot 79 Bukoto Street, Kamwokya
Tel: 256 414 577 017
SkypeName: diamond151972
The Environment: Our Future-Lets Go Green!!
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