The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has issued new health warnings to be displayed on cigarette packets with effect from September 1st, 2010.

The new messages will appear on all sides of cigarette packets. They will read as follows: “Cigarete smoking causes lung cancer, heart diseases and death.”
On the front the warnings are in English and back the messages are in swahili language.
The words are in bold print, in capital letters and legible front size, covering 90% of the area designated for health warning.
The words health warnings are underlined in order to separate them from the health messages. The colour used to print the words is contrasting to enhance legibility.
According to the news statement from UNBS today, all cigarette packets to be sold in Uganda from September 2010 must have the above cigarette health warnings.
The cigarette packets must also clearly display the name of the product, number of cigarettes in the packet, manufacturing date, address of the manufacturer, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide content, tax stamps and country of origin.