The Ministry of Health is to start the countrywide in door spraying of DDT in July 2010 as the government of Uganda goes ahead with the controversal decision to spray the dangerous chemical to kill equally dangerous anophlese mosquitoes which cause malaria, the leading killer disease in Uganda.
The ministry says the spraying of DDT is aimed at reducing the prevalence rate of malaria from the current 25 percent to about 2%.
The Minister of Uganda for Primary Health Care, James Kakooza tells journalists that malaria is still a threat to the country.

Kakooza says he hopes the disease will be duly addressed through the use of DDT and treated mosquito nets.
Kakoza says that the spraying programme will cost seven billion shillings. He says the money is expected to be drawn from next year’s budget.
The use of DDT is widely opposed by scientists in Uganda and around the globe due to the many dangers it causes to the environment and the population.