The Minister of Primary Health, James Kakooza has promised to adequately account for all the money that his ministry will receive from Global Funds.

The Global Fund grants resumed flowing normally in July 2009 after they had been suspended for about four years due to corruption.
Kakooza told journalists at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala that every time his ministry gets Global fund funds, the public will be informed to ensure proper checks and balances
He says such transparency is for the purpose of promoting proper accountability such the ministry does not again fall victim of the corruption scandals that caused the grants to be suspended.
Kakooza says from July 2009 to April 2010, a total of about 200 billion shillings has been disbursed to the Ministry of Health as grants from the Global Fund
He says part of the money has already been used to procure mosquito nets to be distributed to pregnant women and children for free.
In 2005 the three ministers of health Jim Muhwezi, Mike Mukula and Dr. Kamugisha swindled billions of Global Fund funds meant for the treatment of malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
By Zacharia Tiberindwa