The Vatican representative to the U.N Archbishop Celestino Migliore has appealed to all stakeholders involved in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS to invest more resources in equipping people with knowledge, ability, technical competence and tools to ensure that the scourge is combated.

While addressing the United Nations General Assembly of international efforts to fight AIDS and HIV in New York recently, the archbishop also appealed for spiritual renewal as a way of combating the epidermic.
Like in many Sub Sahara African countries HIV/AIDS remains one of the leading cause of deaths in Uganda mostly, affecting young children and women.
Archbishop Migliore indicated that the epidermic is mostly affecting the poor and marginalized people because of an apparent gap in available funding for antiretroviral treatment.
A report by the UN secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s indicated that the number of people in low-income and middle-income countries receiving antiretroviral treatment had increased from only about 400,000 people to over 4 million people in five years.
He appealed for more efforts in the fight against the epidermic because, HIV/AIDS infection rates continues to outpace the response.