African states fail to attain Millennium Development Goals

Failure by most African governments to partner with the private sector to improve health care service has slowed down the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) in Africa.

The 5th MDG provides for the improvement of maternal health, reduction of maternal mortality ratio and ensure universal access to reproductive health by 2015.

Dr. Khama Rogo
Dr. Khama Rogo

Dr. Khama Rogo, a lead health-sector specialist with the World Bank says that 72 percent of resources spent in the health sector come from the private sector, a pointer that government needs to focus on improving health care delivery services.

However, the commissioner for planning in the Ministry of Health, Dr Francis Runumi, says that though government is currently constrained to facilitate the private sector, the ministry is working on a public-private partnerships policy to cater for the private sector in its budget.

Ultimate Media

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