The Representatives of Uganda on the East African Legislative Assembly have urged the government to invest more money in Soroti Flying School such that it can be developed in to international world class
institution to train pilots.
Soroti Flying Scool is the only institution in Uganda for training pilots but has been neglected by the government and its standard has dropped to regrettable low levels thus causing concern from various
stakeholders over its plight.
The Chairman of EALA Uganda, Mike Sebalu has told journalists at Parliament that if Uganda invests in Soroti Flying School then it is likely to reap big from advantages that will come with the consolidation of the East African Community.
Sebalu says Uganda will reap big because Soroti has the capacity to attract people from the different countries of East Africa to train them as pilots if it is developed to the optimal standards which will
be very beneficial to the country.
He says the governent should therefore consider the option of developing such an institution into a centre of excellence in training pilots in East Africa.
By Tiberindwa Zacharia, Ultimate Media