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uia annual business week to take place in august. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 the uganda investment authority (uia) business week for 2010 will take place between 5th to 7th august this 2010. the uia investment week aims at showing investors the investment opportunities.
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uganda gets 13 new regional lands offices. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 the uganda ministry of lands, housing and urban development has constructed 13 new regional offices to decentralize land issues in the country. the development comes after uganda government recently passed the.
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international agencies call for investigations into murder of rwandan journalist jean leonard rugambage. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 1 the rwanda government led by president paul kagame has denied involvement in the murder of a rwandan journalist whose newspaper was suspended for six months for criticizing the government. rwanda’s.
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uganda companies urged to showcase at africa brand conference in london, united kingdom. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 convention to offer opportunity to african companies to showcase their brands globally leading global brand experts from interbrand sampson group, and brand leadership group to speak at the.
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uganda minister says northern uganda to develop in 3 years. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 the uganda state minister for northern uganda reconstruction david wakhikona has revealed that his ministry wants a space of three years to put northern uganda at the same level of development.
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alternatives to large land acquisitions in developing countries: new report analyses how partnerships can benefit both big investors and small farmers. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 press release webtorial new research shows how agricultural investments in developing nations can be structured as alternatives to large-scale land acquisitions. it documents a range of more inclusive business models.
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kcc councilors support kampala mayor sebaggala to sack council staff. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 kampala city council (kcc) councilors have thrown their weight behind city mayor, nasser ntege sebaggala to sack kcc technical team. the mayor on thursday 24th june 2010 petitioned the town.
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consumers want tough health warnings on ugandan cigarettes. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 consumer bodies in uganda want tabacco companies to clearly engrave the health warnings and the anti smoking warnings on cigarette packets to reduce on the effects of cigarette smoking in.
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ugandan men challenged to take lead in hiv testing. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 ugandan men have been challenged to take the lead in the campaign to have couples test for hiv/aids so as to help reduce the effects of the epidemic in the.
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challenges and opportunities of reporting and communicating agricultural and rural development issues in uganda. by gerald businge june 25, 2010 0 insights from a research paper by gerald businge and risdel kasasira presented at cta media conference in brussels, belgium in october 2009 on the role of the media in agricultural.
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