The Irish Foreign Affairs minister Michael Martin has appealed to the Uganda government to focus on providing quality education to in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of Universal access to free education.
Martin was speaking at a ceremony to give the Uganda government 450 billion shillings donated by the Irish Government. The funding is aimed at fighting HIV/AIDS, improving education, ensuring better delivery of justice, promoting adult literacy, health services and Karamoja development among others.

The Irish Minister says that Uganda is on the right path to achieving the MDG goal of Universal access to free education because of the introduction of free Universal primary and secondary education.
Experts believe that Uganda free education doesn’t provide the necessary skills required in the Uganda job sector which leaves many unemployed. The Uganda Universal free education has been facing problems of inadequate funding to enable the setting up of better infrastructure and recruitment of more teachers making the provision of quality free education extremely hard.
Uganda finance minister Syda Bbumba says the Irish funds will be used well to enable the country get out of poverty.
Solomon Akugizibwe, Ultimate Media