The One World Scholarship Program (EMS) is aimed at students from developing countries at Austrian universities and sees itself as a contribution to peaceful coexistence with people from different regions of origin through the promotion of equality, dialogue, intercultural know-how and partnership.
The study grant scheme is a contribution to redeeming the right to education for young intellectuals who otherwise find insufficient conditions in their region of origin. The study grant scheme, in this sense, offers an opportune compensation for ethnic, religious, social and regional discrimination as well as for isolated cases of human rights abuses.
Requirements and Conditions
- Nationality of a Non-European developing country
- Enrolment in an Austrian university
- Financial need
- Evidence of satisfactory progress in studies
- Willingness to return to country of origin or another developing country
- Age limit at the beginning of the scholarship (30 years – diploma/master programmes, 35 years – doctoral/PhD programmes).
Women, handicapped students, and students who have been discriminated and disadvantaged in their countries of origin for cultural, social, political and religious reasons have priority.
Application form
- You can download the application form for the One-World-Scholarship here
Grant awarding authority Information: Afro-Asian Institute (AAI) Graz (Place of study: Graz, Klagenfurt and Leoben), A-8010 Graz, Leechgasse 22, Tel: +43 316/32 44 34 58. e-mail: t.aichinger[at]
Afro-Asian Institute (AAI) Salzburg (Place of study: Salzburg and Innsbruck) A-5020 Salzburg, Wr. Philharmonikergasse 2, Tel: +43 662/841413-12. e-mail: daniela.molzbichler[at]
Afro-Asian Institute (AAI) Vienna (Place of study: Vienna and Linz) A-1090 Vienna, Türkensstraße 3, Tel: +43 1/3105145-213. e-mail: studium[at]