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Musician Chaka Chaka adds voice to the call for the commitment to the Abuja Declaration

One of Africa’s most celebrated singers Yvonne Chaka Chaka will be in Uganda to join the rest of Africa in calling out to the African Leaders to commit to the pledges they made under the Abuja declaration in which African countries committed to have at least 15% of their national budgets committed to the health sector by 2015.

Chaka Chaka

Chaka Chaka will be the guest of honor at an a concert dubbed “Hakuna Wakati Abuja 15% sasa” in which various singers both international and local will perform to create awareness on this commitment that African leaders made under the Abuja declaration.

Some of the singers that will perform at the concert  slated to take place an Hotel African on Sunday 25 2010, starting at 8:30 am include, Bobi Wine, Joanita Kawalya, Angella Kalule, Jemimah Sanyu, Annet Nandujja, Maiko Zulu and Mingas from Mozambique among others.

The concert is organized by the Civil Society Organizations and the Princess of Africa Foundation that is brain child of Chaka Chaka.

Chaka Chaka is currently a good will ambassador for the United Nations on Malaria, Tuberculosis and the Millennium Development Goals. She also featured greatly in the song “8 goals for Africa” which calls for action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Africa

The African Union summit is being held in Kampala Uganda with a focus on achieving maternal health targets. Though many African countries committed themselves in the Abuja declaration, it is unlikely that by 2015 many of them will have committed the 15% of their budgets to the health sector as they committed themselves.

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See other stories on maternal health issues

By Tiberindwa Zakaria, Ultimate Media

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