REF : HRM 46/70/02
Sector Architecture and Engineering – Agricultural Engineering
Job Type Permanent

Experience 2 to 5 Years
Educational Qualification Bachelor’s Degree-Graduate Degree (BA, BSc, BCom)
Skills Communication: Speaking effectively
Research and Planning: Identifying problems
Research and Planning: Solving problems
Organization, Management and Leadership: Coordinating tasks
Work Survival: Accepting responsibility
Job Status Full Time
Vacancies 1
Role Heading the Virology Section of the Laboratories.

Applicants should be Ugandans holding an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture plus a minimum of a Post Graduate Diploma in Crop Disease Management or Crop Protection or Virology or Crop Science from a recognized University/Institution.

Applicants should have a minimum of three (3) years working experience which should have been gained at the level of Agricultural Inspector or Agricultural Officer in Government or equivalent relevant level of experience from a reputable organization.

He/she should have the following Key Competencies; team work, results orientation, planning, organizing and coordinating and customer care.

The incumbent will be responsible to the Principal Agricultural Inspector for performing the following duties:-

• Heading the Virology Section of the Laboratories.
• Supervising and handling the diagnosis of plant virus problems on plant/plant products and imports.
• Supervising the green house attendants to manage the plants.
• Supervising the safe disposal of virus infected plants.
• Cataloguing the virus infections infecting plants in Uganda to be used to compile a crop production handbook.

• Advising on the types of antibodies to be assembled in the laboratory for use in different virus detection systems.
• Being part of the National Task Force that provides technical back-up in control of pest epidemics in Uganda.
• Conducting pest, viruses, weeds and disease surveillance with emphasis on virus plant problems.
• Liaising with national and international research organizations to harness techniques that work in Uganda.
• Linking with research system on control of weeds.
• Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Apply for this job

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant posts. Applications should be submitted in triplicate on Public Service Form No. 3 (2008) to the Secretary, Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 7080, Kampala to be received not later than 19th August 2010.

The application forms are obtainable from the Public Service Commission Office, 2nd Floor, Farmers, House, Parliament Avenue, Kampala, Ministry/Department Headquarters and District Service Commission Offices. Hand written applications are also acceptable. The advertisement can also be accessed from the Public Service Commission Website on www.psc.

Applications should bear the title of the post as well as the reference number specified against the vacancy. Serving Officers will not be considered for Entry Level Posts in Scale U4, where applicable.

Applicants are free to apply for a maximum of two posts

Applicants should attach three sets of certified photocopies of their certificates and testimonials, plus three recent certified passport size photographs.
Those already in Government Service should route their applications through their Heads of Department who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay. Serving officers may submit an advance a copy of the application directly to the Public Service Commission to enable the Commission to carry out preliminary work on the applications. Applicants who shall not hear from the Public Service Commission on completion of the selection exercise should consider themselves unsuccessful.

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