Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

The Research Institute of Global Change (RIGC, JAMSTEC) solicits an application for Postdoctoral Researcher programme to its newly approved KAKENHI fund from the JSPS (Kiban-A (FY2010-2015); “Understanding chemistry, transport and surface fluxes of long-lived gases in the troposphere by a multi-species and multi-model approach”).

The RIGC offers a stimulating research environment with large computational and intellectual resources.

Content of work

The postdoctoral researcher will engage in following research activities:

  1. Understanding transport, chemistry and flux of atmospheric long-lived greenhouse gases, based on forward simulation of multiple species.
  2. Developing techniques to improve surface fluxes, using regional/global model and observation data.

Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences (YES),
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
3173-25 Showa-machi, Kanazawa, Yokohama 236-0001 JAPAN

Number of positions 1


  1. Candidates must have a Ph D in Atmospheric Science related fields with proven records of excellent oral and written communications skills. Advanced knowledge in FORTRAN programming, large dataset handling, visualization software, and UNIX environment are required.
  2. Candidates must be within five years since awarded a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. Successful candidate will be hired as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
  3. Any nationality, any sex, and any age could be applied. JAMSTEC has the principle of equality of men and women as it relates to the recruitment of all staff.

Treatment Period of employment is from November 1st, 2010 to March 31st, 2011. Employment contract is renewable every fiscal year depending on the progress of research and research project, but maximum for twice (until March 31st, 2013).

Please visit our website for more details:


Deadline for applications August, 31st 2010
application must arrive by this date, by POST

Application materials :

  1. Required documents
    • One copy of research proposal including the research program which you desire to participate in. (A4 size, 1 page)
    • One reference (recommendation) letter written by a senior research scientist, which should be sent directly by the referee by POST. Applicant`s name should be written on the envelope.
    • One copy of a resume. (contactable email address is essential)
    • One copy of publication list including thesis titles, with marks on representative publications. Please separate those with referred journals from other publications.
    • One copy of a list for competitive research fund from some kind of research institution in Japan. (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, any funded research from Japan Science and Technology Agency, etc)
  2. Submission
  3. Required documents should be sent by POST and reach JAMSTEC before/on the closing date.
    Research Support Dept., JAMSTEC
    2-15 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 237-0061 Japan
    • Please write “PERSONNEL, EBCRP(Kakenhi-A), RIGC” (in red) on the front of the envelope. Registered mail is recommended for confirming the receipt of your application (no acknowledgement will be provided).
    • Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
    • Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant. The personal information we get through this recruitment is to be used only for our screening and our procedures accompanying. We deal with it safely and properly based on the personal information protection law. After our screening and procedures, we shred documents.

Where to make contact?

Akiko Kawai
Human Resources,
Research Support Dept., JAMSTEC
2-15 Natsushima-Cho, Yokosuka-city, Kanagawa 237-0061, JAPAN
TEL: 81-46-867-9598 81-46-867-9598 FAX: 81-46-867-9372
(E-mail: rsd-jinji@jamstec.go.jp)

Additional information :
1. Successful candidates should submit his/her health certificate upon appointment.
2. Withdrawal of application must be made by written notice

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