Job Description: The DUOS program aims to heighten the synergy between graduate and undergraduate research at Miami University. The graduate and undergraduate students will work together on a research project under the supervision of a faculty member in a Ph.D. granting department. Either graduates or undergraduates may initiate the application, but the undergraduate student is to have primary authorship of the project. Any Miami undergraduate student and any post-master’s doctoral student in good standing who agree to abide by program requirements are eligible to apply.
Application Deadline 5:00 p.m. October 18, 2010. Submit one (1) signed original of your proposal along with the signed application form to: Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship (OARS) 102 Roudebush Hall. Contact OARS 529-3600 for printed program guidelines and application form.
A. Program Features
– a focus on undergraduates learning the processes of research and scholarship under supervision of graduate student mentors
– a project/travel allowance of $400, each, for the graduate and undergraduate partners
– an additional project/travel allowance of $100 for each partner, contingent upon their participation in training offered by the program for their roles as mentor and mentee in a research partnership
– undergraduate student may earn independent study credit, if appropriate.
B. Program Benefits
– adds a distinctive experience, shown to increase student intellectual maturity, to undergraduate education
– increases availability of graduate students as role models for undergraduate students
– enhances graduate student research programs by the participation of talented undergraduates
– enables doctoral students to enhance their skills as mentors of undergraduate scholars, and become more reflective about the role that they play in undergraduate education
– creates the basis for later job application materials documenting graduate students’ experiences/achievements in their role as research mentors
– publicly recognizes graduate students who are making an effort to enhance their performance as research mentors
– enhance the university community’s awareness and appreciation of the synergy between graduate and undergraduate programs
– clearly links scholarship and teaching at the University
– serves as a model program that other graduate schools may emulate
Miami University DUOS Program Guidelines 2010-2011 Page 2
C. Award Distribution
Dr. Gary A. Lorigan, Professor of Chemsitry serves as chair of the DUOS and will convene a review panel for academic year 2010-2011.
In developing its award recommendations, the review panel will consider the: readability/clarity of the proposal and its conformity to the required format quality of experiences proposed by applications, including significance of the problem to be addressed, the clarity of linkage between problem and method/creative process, the feasibility of the project in terms of the partners’ skills, time, and budget, and educational value to the undergraduate student. quality and appropriateness of the mentorship supervision and interactions proposed distribution of awards across disciplinary areas
II. Eligibility
A. Graduate Mentor Eligibility
The program is open to all Miami University full-time post-masters’ doctoral students. If the graduate student’s program does not offer a master’s, students must be in at least their second year of graduate study. Preference will be given to graduate students who can document prior research collaboration with a faculty member. Each graduate/ undergraduate pair should make application as described below. A single graduate student can be listed as a prospective mentor on up to two applications only. In addition, the graduate student’s faculty advisor must be willing to oversee the project as described in these guidelines.
To participate, a graduate student must be willing and able to provide appropriate supervision and mentorship of the undergraduate with whom she or he has elected to be paired. the graduate student’s faculty advisor must be willing to oversee the project as described below.
B. Undergraduate Student Eligibility
Application to the program is open to any Miami University undergraduate student who holds a minimum 2.75 GPA and is otherwise in good standing (not on probation, etc.) and who is willing to collaborate with the graduate student to complete the project and communicate the results of that work to the scholarly community.