Apart from those Juliana Kanyomozi and Whitney Houston, do you have other role models?
(Keeps quiet) hmm Mariah Carey and Beyonce.
Do you have any other role models outside music?
No. I only like music. Okay may be also acting. Actually among actors I admire Mariam Ndagire and Internationally Will Smith.
Tammy, what do you dream to achieve now that you started singing early at this stage? What do you hope to achieve in your music career?
I want to achieve the rights of the children. That is why I sing about Child Abuse.
May be you sing about children because you are still a child. Do you think after growing up you will still sing songs advocating for children’s rights and will they be your focus then when you grow up?
Yes. They will still remain my focus even when I grow up.
Any other thing you hope to achieve apart from children’s rights?
Achieving… (Says this meditatively) No. No.
By the way when was the first time you stepped on stage? How did it feel? Weren’t you scared of the crowd?
That was when I was singing at the first album launch of Irene Namubiru and it was in 2007. I was feeling shy and I was nervous but by the time I reached the middle of the song, which was anthem for homelessness and parentless ness, they made me sing and I continued sing it. So I gained confidence along the way.
And what is your biggest moment since you started singing
It was my first Album Launch which was in 2008. It was called Aids is Erosion.
Your first Album was Aids is Erosion which I believe had songs about HIV/ AIDS and your second Album is African child which I know basically to be about the African Child. But you began with Aids, how is that you changed to the African Child?
No. I began with Aids because I used to go to their concerts but besides I also never began with Aids altogether. I began with Anthem for homelessness and parentless ness. So I sang about HIV/AIDS but encouraging those parents who have HIV/AIDS to tell their children the truth. So it was also about children.
Which songs should your fans look out for on this Album or which you think are the best on this Album.
Ngoma, Switi Owa Kati and many others.
Talked of Ngoma what is this Ngoma about?
Ngoma is a dancehall song about being positive in life, looking at what is ahead and forgetting the past. It is also about the fact that life is going on. You do not know whether your Calendar is off or on. So you better do something useful.
Then what did you mean when you sang Switi Owa Kati and how did you come up with the idea of Switi Owakati?
Sweet just Sweet. That is how it is.
Can you sing just one or two lines of the chorus for the people out there?
(Sings) Bwokomawo Mummy ondetera nga switi owakati,
Bwokomawo mummy towerabira switi owa kati.
I believe you must be busy at this stage what else are you planning?
I have recorded a song with Goodlyfe called condemn them which is about child sacrifice and hope it will be out soon before my Album launch. I am also planning to sing with Yvonne Chaka Chaka. I made an application and she already allowed my application. (Looks visibly excited) So she said yes.
Speaking of Chaka Chaka, recently you met Yvonne Chaka Chaka at the Hakuna Wakati concert and she actually admired your singing. How did it feel being admired by an African Music Legend like Chaka Chaka? And was that one of your best experiences in life?
(With a beaming smile) It feels very good. Yah. It was one of my best moments in life.
And when do you expect to record the song with Chaka Chaka?
In September. I will be flown out to South Africa and I hope it will be a successful one.
Anything that you would like to tell the Children and parents out there
I would like to tell the children to tell the parents to allow them carry out their talents. Never know you will achieve something out of it. I also advise parents to look after their children and see what is ahead of them, what their talents are. Never know, your child could achieve something out of his or her talent.
Okay. Wish u the best. Thank you.
Engoma by Little Tammy