Archbishop Rev Joseph Kiwanuka warns Kabaka of Buganda on Political involvement

c) Choose one who is not led by a spirit of dissatisfaction but who understands clearly what is right. Such a man- will worthily lead the government. He can make good policy and just– laws for the fulfillment of that policy, if he himself abides by ‘that policy and fulfils it, and does not deceive people by departing from what he has promised to do; then the country will be in peace.

d) Choose one who is unselfish. You may see some people who seek, in government, a new source of profit for their own well-being and who, put that above everything else. Such people are not trustworthy. A man who has never done anything of worth for his country and then stands for election, has given you a clear sign of how he may be judged. It is right to choose men who have been drawn from various fields and various walks of life: peasants, traders. The reason why civil servants and government employees are not allowed to stand for election is that they are employed by Government. That is their living: should they be elected they would perhaps merely seek to earn their “daily bread” as the saying goes.

e) Choose people who can consider everything objectively. A leader of the nation must be able to judge many circumstances objectively, especially in difficult times when the nation needs outstanding leaders. Uganda and Buganda are at present passing through a difficult period. The people are troubled in many ways they can easily be excited into doing things they should not do, they can be deceived easily. In a time of changes in government or when the country approaches its independence, the ideas of the people are not always normal. Feelings get excited, angry divisions arise among people ‘some have ideas of their own, others think -otherwise. In such times, the leaders have the difficult task to calm those who fall into excess. If the leaders have not balanced ideas, if they are not unbiased, dedicated and unselfish, they cannot keep good order. Therefore, choose people who struggle for truth and justice, people who will help Bugànda and Uganda to unite and to stand together like brothers.!

Things to Avoid To insult or calumniate one another, whether it is done, by political parties, or through slogans merely bring trouble. Therefore, you who are Catholics, whatever party you support, keep away from both these faults. On the other, hand there may be some evil which has to be revealed, to save people from deceit. To keep silent about such evil could induce people to believe that crooked activities or false ideas preached by this party or that person are not so dangerous after all, that they, are perhaps right because of the reason they put forward. If you have to reveal such evil, just show what is wrong, avoiding any sort of’ insult, because when you point out an evil, people will see it at once without your resorting to insults.

What is more uséful and more needed is that we all unite to avoid breaking into opposed factions and disavowing one another. The enemy we must fight more than any other is the one who incites us to establish unnecessary divisions among ourselves. Opposition in government does not mean that the parties should fight or persecute one another because of their religion. What is needed is to secure number of supporters, following the right channels.


I hope that those who will read this letter with an open heart will find in it a clearer view of the present political situation and will not be deluded by speeches of those who are merely preoccupied with securing votes. People who will try to influence weaker minds to choose any party or merely deceive and lead others into dishonest activities.

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