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Archbishop Rev Joseph Kiwanuka warns Kabaka of Buganda on Political involvement

I was still considering this when I was told of a new accusation: “It must be the Catholics who object to the return to Buganda of what belongs to her.” This was now being said everywhere, on the roads as well as in places where people were gathered together. However, I still did not worry much about reports of such accusations, and I still believed that they were rumours or mere exaggerations.

Shortly after that, I was personally the object of such an accusation. I was jeered at and followed by a mock escort who shouted: “What are you looking for here, near the Kabaka’s palace? You people you don’t like the Kabaka and it is you who do not want us to ‘receive what belongs to us.’ I did not pay much attention to these insults but they led me to make further investigations. And more recently, after His Highness the Kabaka’s return, we went to welcome him.

As our car entered the road known as “Kabakanjagala” and as we went to Bulange, people shouted at us: “What are you Bishops looking for here? You don’t like the Kabaka. Wait until tomorrow and go to welcome Benedicto Kiwanuka.” Then I could hesitate no longer and I knew that the appeals and the complaints of my people were well-founded When we came back to Bulange the other day, many shouted at us, Even the Kabaka confirmed it: “You are the people who do not want Buganda to receive what belongs to her.”

As we entered our car, a man came forward from the crowd and danced in front of us shouting, “From now on your religion will find nowhere to stand.” At once others, better mannered, chased him away. Nevertheless we went away rather worried and shaken. What we saw and heard on that occasion shows clearly that real hardships are in store for you as Catholics in this delicate period of changes in Government.

I cannot remain silent

I have no wish to frighten you. However, since I am your leader, given to you by God, to guide you and to strengthen you in righteousness, I consider that I would be neglecting my duty if I remained silent, fore-seeing as I do, the danger in which some of you stand of losing courage, and even your faith.

Some may well lose courage because of the contempt of their faith with which they are treated and by the sufferings willfully inflicted upon them simply because they are Catholics. Others among you may fear to admit that they are Catholics, hoping in this way to obtain a place in government. There may also be a number who would conceal their faith in order to avoid being recognised as Catholics. It is true that you cannot avoid being attacked as Catholics, even though you have no guilt whatsoever towards your nation.

Understand, however, that this hatred has been predicted to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ when he said. “You will be hated by all men because you bear my name. If they have cried Beelzebub at the master of the house, they will do it much more readily to the men of his household” (Matt. 10: 22-25). However, It is consoling to hear Our Lord remind us that we should not fall into the same fault committed by those who are ill-disposed towards us. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and shall hate thy enemy’.

But I say to you who are listening: ‘Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you; pray for those who persecute you and who calumniate you…’ (Matt. 5)”. However, remember also that religion does not prevent one to defend oneself against one’s assailants, nor does it forbid one to fight to protect oneself or one’s property. But if ever you have to do that, never act through contempt or hatred, or through a spirit of revenge; just defend yourself, or simply prevent the action of evil-doers who wish to harass you.

The deeper source of trouble

What contributed most to bring trouble to the Catholics is the fact that in the present political evolution, there are Catholics who have decided to contend for places of leadership in government and they have found the support of other Catholics. This has induced others to attack them.

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