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Archbishop Rev Joseph Kiwanuka warns Kabaka of Buganda on Political involvement

This is enough to show that changes can take place in Government, and many did take place even in the Buganda government. Changes have occurred in all parts of Uganda and more are bound to come. I believe that if everybody could understand these changes in government, there would be an end of the charges made against others because they joined political parties or because they registered for voting.

Democracy does not Destroy Kingship

If people understood that Democracy does not destroy kingship, they would not be angry with others who follow democracy and say about them: “They don’t like the Kabaka.” Moreover, if they understood that the three forms of government I have mentioned above are in fact accepted in Buganda, they would not bring up the slogan “Kabaka Yekka” (the Kabaka alone), because in Buganda there is not only the Monarchy involved, but also the Aristocracy and even democracy.

II State and Church

Let us turn now to the second part of this letter in which I shall speak of the relations between the forms of Government explained above, and the Church. Time and again I have heard such things as “keep religion out of politics, leave religious ideas out of politics and take religion out of schools.” Among those who speak like that, some do it out of pure hatred of religion.

It could not be explained otherwise since in fact religion strives to remind people of their duty to serve God, which in no way harms politics, on the contrary it is a real help to it. But there are others who are induced to say they don’t want religion, to be mixed with politics by the mere fact that they are afraid of the truth and justice inherent in religion.

They would like to deceive people in order to bring them to their side, but religion helps people at the time of choosing a government to see objectively what is right and to choose a good government.

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