“Great Britain has an international legal obligation to pay compensation to the Omukama and the royal household of Bunyoro-Kitara as it is provided for in the Protocol 1 under Article 91 for the following goods and assets requisitioned, pillaged and destroyed by British troops. The computation covers the period since effective hostilities ended in 1899,” reads the demand note from the western Uganda kingdom.
1. 30,000 head of cattle (Enkongi-royal breed) handed down the generations plus 15% interest for 101 years @ 5454.00 pounds 163,620,000.00 pounds
2. Numerous numbers of goats and sheep estimated to number 50,000 plus 15% simple interest for 101 years @ 323.00 pounds 16,150,000.00 pounds
3. Appropriated income of Kibiro salt mine: 43,707,290kgs plus simple interest for 101 years @ 3.03 pounds 132,433,088.00 pounds
4. 16,329kgs of salt pillaged at Kibiro plus simple interest for 101 years @ 3.03 pounds 49,476.87 pounds
5. 270,000kgs of dry foodstuffs pillaged at Kibiro from the Omukama Cwa II Kabalega and family food stores @ 11.36 pounds 3,067,875.00
6. Ivory pillaged, sold and income appropriated worth 27,491.00 pounds during the period 1894 to 1899 443,979.00 pounds
7. 2000 rupees worth cloth pillaged plus 15% simple interest per annum for 101 years 32,300.00 pounds
8. A fleet of canoes including the Omukama’s badge with 15% simple interest for 101 years 58,140.00 pounds
9. 25,000 acres of crops including banana plantations cut down and destroyed @180.00 plus 15% interest for 101 years 101,200,000.00 pounds
10. Losses arising out of illegal detention of Cwa II Kabalega for 24 years and loses of opportunities to transact family business estimated at 150,000,000.00 pounds plus 15% profit for 101 years 2,442,000,000.00 pounds
11. Losses arising out of illegal detention of Queen mother Nyamutahingurwa, mother of Cwa II Kabalega and princess Kalyota (Ruguga) leading to loss of opportunities to manage family property estimated at 12,000,000.00 plus 15% interest for 101 years 183,000,000.00 pounds
12. 30% towards costs of this study and consultants services 860, 116,800.00 pounds
TOTAL 3,727,173,160.00 pounds
Compiled by Ultimate Media
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