Master Scholarships 2011 in Environmental Technology and Engineering

The International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE) programme offers scholarship for International students

Study Subject:Environmental Technology and Engineering
Employer:Erasmus Mundus

The IMETE programme intensively promotes networking and exchange of knowledge and experience between different nationalities, in particular with scholars and students from developing countries and countries in transition, which are rapidly growing markets for the application of environmental technologies.

IMETE is offered by a consortium consisting of 3 leading Higher Education Institutes: Ghent University (UGent, Gent, Belgium), UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands), and Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (ICTP, Prague, Czech Republic). Numerous associated partners from all over the world contribute to the programme. (more information).

Student mobility within Europe is an integral part of the programme, which contains 120 ECTS (2 years). During the programme, students study at Delft (The Nederlands), Prague (Czech Republic) and Gent (Belgium). The master thesis research is carried out in one of these locations, or in one of the many associated partner institutions all over the world.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 21 January 2011

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