Area of study or research:
- Natural Sciences
- Technical Sciences
- Medicine
- Agriculture and Forestry,
- Veterinary Medicine
- Social Sciences,
- Law and Economics
- Humanities and Theology
- Fine Arts
Detailed type of grant:
- semester or one-year grant
Target group:
- postgraduates
- PhD holders
Authority awarding grant:
- OeAD-GmbH/ICM on behalf of and financed by the BMWF
- 1 to 9 months
- The quota depends on the budget.
Grant benefit paid:
1) Monthly grant rate
a) for graduates: 940 EUR
b) for graduates over 30 years with a PhD degree: 1,040 EUR
2) Accident and health insurance, accommodation
a) If necessary, the OeAD-GmbH will take out an accident and health insurance on behalf of the grant recipient.
b) The OeAD-GmbH will endeavour to provide accommodation (student hall of residence or flat) for recipients of grants who wish to get accommodation arranged by the OeAD. Monthly costs: 220 to 470 EUR (depending on how much comfort the recipients of grants want). An administration fee of 18 EUR per month is payable to the OeAD-GmbH for arranging accommodation. The costs for insurance and accommodation have to be paid out of the grant by the recipient of the grant.
3) Recipients of grants are exempted from paying tuition fees.
4) Recipients of grants from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of 730 EUR maximum.
Closing date for applications:
- 01.03.2011 for the academic year 2011/12
Where to submit your application:
- online at only
Application form:
A hardcopy application is not possible.