Senior Adviser, Water and Sanitation Sector Programme Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/ Danida

Location: Uganda
Last Date: January 14, 2011

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Danida seeks Senior Adviser, Uganda

Senior Adviser, Water and Sanitation Sector Programme – readvertisement

As Senior Adviser (N1), you will assist in the on-going implementation of the Water Sector Programme in the Directorate of Water Resources Management. Your role will mainly be to strengthen planning, monitoring, and reporting at top management level. You have a relevant post-graduate degree and experience with water services and sanitation from developing countries. Moreover, you have experience from working with management in the context of sector programmes and institutional reforms. You are fluent in English.

Reference no.: DK-44889-2010/UGA.06-W
Application deadline: 14 January 2011 at 9.00 am (CEST).

Further information
A full job description is available at:
Here you will also find a mandatory application form.

Applications with reference no. indicated should be sent to Mercuri Urval A/S at, alternatively to the office address: Philip Heymans Allé 29, DK-2900 Hellerup, or faxed to: +45 39 45 65 65.

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