Employer:Lund University
Scholarship Description: The PhD project forms part of a larger project dealing with the spectroscopic investigation of chemical dynamics in liquids and solutions under the title: “Femtosecond Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Matter under Realistic Conditions”. The aim is to drive the development of soft X-ray scattering of electron and configuration dynamics of biological relevant systems towards a routinely applicable method.
The technology employed is resonant spectroscopy at the K-edges of Carbon, Oxygen and other chemical relevant elements. This method is available only at accelerator based light-sources, mainly synchrotrons but also the new free-electron lasers. The PhD candidate will be enrolled at Uppsala University, but located at MAX-lab in Lund (Sweden). A part of the experimental work will most likely be performed at other places, e.g. at BESSY in Berlin or SLS/PSI in Switzerland.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 2011-02-15