Police have stopped the planned peaceful demonstration organized by members of the Pan- African Movement against western countries bombing Libya.
The Kampala extra Police Commander Grace Turyagumanawe told journalists in Kampala that the blocking of the demonstration is because the organizers had not followed “the right procedures”.

He said that police who are supposed to ensure peace at the demonstration have not been notified officially of the planned demonstration.
Turyagumanawe said there is no need for the Ugandan to demonstrate about the crisis in Libya
However, one of the lead organisers of the demonstration, Steven Othieno said they had got police permission to demonstrate only Turyagumanawe didn’t have the information.
The members of the Pan-African Movement have organized to walk on streets of Kampala and at the American embassy demonstrating against the western countries involvement in the Libyan crisis.
The Movement has asked all Ugandans to join them in the demonstration against UN and American involvement in the African issues that they say would be handled by the African Union.