Former Muslims who converted to Christianity have partitioned the speaker of parliament seeking amendments in the Ugandan constitution to delete the Muslim Kardi courts.
The current Kardi court law opposes the conversion of Muslims believer to another religious belief and the Kardi courts are recognised in the constitution of Uganda.
Reverend Umaru Mulinde from the Gospel life church international says the Ugandan constitution should not have religious laws prohibiting and putting converts at stake after changing their parental religious faith. Mulinde says that as converts they face criticism from their former religious members who always discriminate and threaten to attack them.
He further says they reject the islamic law and called for its deletion from the Ugandan constitution. The speaker Edward Sekandi on receiving the petition cautioned the group not to attack other religions adding that such attempts may breed hatred.
Sekandi urged every religious leader to concentrate on preaching the gospel as they believe in to their followers and avoid bringing in other religions.
By Mugisa Isaac Mathias