Luganda news paper Gwanga offices besieged by police

Police has today Tuesday besieged the offices of a local by week leaks Luganda news paper “Gwanga” in her offices in Wakaliga a city suburb of Buganda kingdom.

It is allegedly that the policemen led by the old Kampala district police commander Shiraf Bakaleje besieged and searched materials used for promoting sectarianism.

One of the officials of Gyanga news paper has commented on the raid saying police has confiscated their phones, cameras and other documents.

Gwanga news paper is edited by Robert Karuli Serumaga a former employee of Radio One talk show, who was sacked from the station because of pressure amounting from government

Trouble for Serumaga emerged in 2009 when he had appeared on talk show on WBS Television alongside Timothy Kabyegira and Ibrahim Semuju Nganda where they critised the government for blocking the Buganda’s Kabaka Mwenda Mutebi Ronald the II from visiting  Kayunga.

The three were arrested and charged with sedition hatred and intentions to bring contempt intention to excite disaffection against the image of the president.

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias


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