Internally Displaces Person sue Government of the Republic of Uganda

Thousands of formally internally displaces person in Lango sub-region have taken the government of the republic of Uganda to court demanding for compensation for livestock and property worth billions of shillings that was lost during the 20 years along Lord’s Resistance Army rebellion

An estimated 70,000 former internally displaced persons (IDPs) from eight districts of Lango. Are suing the government under there umbrella organization the “Lango war claim association”.

The case will be heard before the Lira magistrate’s court in June 2011.

Lango is one of the areas that suffered most during the pick of the Joseph Kony LRA activities.

Some of the major atrocities include the 1996 abduction of students from the Aboke girl’s school, raping of women, and attack on the Balonyek camp in 2004 and so many others.
Ultimate Media


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