President Yoweri Museveni has directed the new Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi to ensure creation of new seed board to be established within the next two months in the ministry of agriculture.

The functions of the board would be collection, management, and storage of seeds that would be grown the next season of bumper harvest in order to safe guard against food price fluctuations during the period of drought.
This directive is part of the many resolutions agreed at the third visit of the presidential investor round table meeting held at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel this week. The presidential round table is annual event where the President eats with investors and discusses how to make Uganda competitive investment destination and increase its market share international regional markets.
During closed door meeting, President Yoweri Museveni also called for immediate banning of export on hides and skins for Uganda in order to boost the local tannery industry.
However the investors present at the meeting requested government to look into the level of taxation in the country which they say was too high.
They also requested the minister in charge of information communication technology (ICT) extend the backbone structure to improve internet connectivity as well as enactment of a policy that will enhance the sharing infrastructure such as masts in a bid to enhance rural communication.
On the side of education sector, the investors advised the government to encourage private investment in universities that impact skills and ensure that graduate of those institutions be provided with some financial help to enable them start their own enterprises.