The government has devised means of reducing public expenditure in the next financial year. The government has been criticized especially by the opposition party over unnecessary huge expenditure worsened by the growing numbers of ministers and new districts.
Kenneth Mugambe the commission budget policy and evaluation department at the ministry of finance planning and economic development says expenditure that cut a cross sectors has been cut by 30%.
Such expenditures that have been limited are transport allowances, fuel inland and abroad, workshops, seminars.
Mugambe says this has been done to improve service delivery and accountability.
On the budget performance, Mugambe says there was a great improvement in absorption of allocated funds compared to the previous financial years.
Related to the budget religious leaders are asking the government to draw the national budget putting into consideration the current high cost of living.
The Achi-Bishop of the church of Uganda Henry Luke Orombi says government has to ensure that the key sectors that support the development of the economy such as the agriculture sector are adequately catered and funded well.
By Mugisa Isaac Mathias