Following the presentation of 2011/12 Financial Budget to Parliament by the Minister of Finance Maria Kiwanuka several MPS have reacted to the Budget saying its pro people while others says it has not addressed the problems that is affecting the people of Uganda.
Shadow Minister for Finance Geoffrey Ekanya says the Budget has not put enough money on Agriculture which he said it’s the backbone of the ordinary people.
Terego County MP Wadri Kssiano in his reaction said the Budget was just a recycling of the 2010/2011 Financial Year but was happy to not that it will reduce on Public Expenditure
Kakuto County MP Mathias Kasamba while commenting on the Budget said Government has addressed the issue of essential Products like Sugar, Kerissen which affect the local people
Busiro County East Medard Ssegona said on Education the Budget has tried to address it but advised Government to stop talking about fingers but focus on service delivery so that the ordinary people can benefit.
Ken Lukyamuzi the Man said the Budget did not talk about the Inflation in the Country and how the Libyan War has contributed to increasing Inflation that has contributed to high rocketing of food and fuel prices.
By Isaac Senabulya