Residents of Butaleja district have asked the government to stop procurement of piglets under the NAADS program saying piglets are a treat to food security in the district.
The Farmers argue that pigs require a lot of food to grow yet many of them are going hungry because of lack of food.
They raised their concerns during the sensitization program organized for farmers in Busorwe.
Samson Weere a resident of Busoro town council says the piglets distributed to farmers under the NAADS program are now competing for the little food with farmers.
He applied to government to find another viable project other than piggery if NAADS objectives are to be realized.
Sewanguru another resident argued district leaders to think for other projects. Vicente Kabwoye Butaleja district NAADS coordinator says that he advised most farmers to have pig farming because of the prevailing circumstances in the district.
Kaboyo however says although has the NAADS coordinators they stop at advising farmers because he can’t imposing any project on them.
Ultimate Media
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