Bunyoro King condemns western powers for attacking Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi

The Omukama of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Solomon Gafabusa  Iguru has attacked the western powers for the invasion of Libyan leader and trying to depose president Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi

The Omukama who marked 15 years of enthronement yesterday condemned whites for dividing African people and for exploiting the continent’s resources.

Bunyoro king, Omukama Solomon Gafabusa Iguru

He says African countries must unite if they are going to develop independent states and avoid bullying bu western powers. The Omukama said through unity and cooperation of African states, strength will re-manifest its self in Africa.

Iguru, a known friend to Libyan leader explained the attack on Gadafi by combined western powers is a clear manifestation of how the whites still want to exert power on Africa.

The Omukama claims the western countries under NATO want to plunder Libyan resources in the name of liberating Libyan people.

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias


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