Swindles of Modern Liberal Democracy

Swindles of Modern Liberal Democracy
Modern Liberal Democracy is truly the biggest fraud in modern times. Examining the fundamental principles of modern Liberal Democracy can easily prove that they are false.

 The principles of modern Liberal Democracy are known as follow:

The Component
Modern Liberal Democracy
As a political system
Modern Liberal Democracy
as an ideology
Separation of Powers
Radical Pluralism
Direct Free Universal Suffrage
Liberal Individualism
The Rule of Law
International Capitalism
Free Civic Institutions
Global Modernization
Culture of civil Liberties &Rights
Atheist Secularism
Popular Sovereignty & Elections
Majority Rule
Partisan Exclusion
Aggressive Expansionism

All these claims are fake, deceptive and abusive. Modern Liberal Democracy was created only to destroy traditional national sovereignty and aristocracy everywhere.

History also shows that M.L.D. is just an international capitalist global enterprise which began earlier but became open at around two hundred and fifty years ago i.e.1750 A.D.  

The English “Revolution”!!, civil war or disorder of 1640, the mass executions of people and monarchs all over Europe; and the English Bill of Rights of 1689 were the beginning of the international capitalistic conspiracy of modern Liberal Democracy. The training and financing of the so-called “revolutionists”, actually demagogue terrorists of foreign origins and criminals, in USA and Europe; the massacre of the decent Russian Tsar family; and the creation of communism and international secret societies are clear evidences of the deep corruption of modern liberal democracy.
The ideas of F.A. Voltaire (1694-1778)-about personal freedom and civil liberties; C.L.Montesquieu (1689-1775)-about Separation of Powers and equality before the law-and also those of J.J.Rousseau (1712-1778)-about Popular Sovereignty and Majority Rule-were purposely invented, twisted and much inflated just to give an intellectual grounds for the criminal plot of Liberal Democracy. Unfortunately, these ideas became the foundation of the US Constitution of 1787; and also to the French Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789. They were meant to create an international appeal, authority and springboards to Liberal Democracy
The cruelties of the English society in the 17-century; American Wars of Independence and the French and Russian so-called Revolutions are few examples of the immorality of the perpetrators of modern Liberal Democracy. In all countries, modern Liberal Democracy is the outcome of a wicked capitalistic-communistic marriage between foreign strangers and some venal and grasping bourgeois, the case of the sudden creation and Atlantic financing of Hitler by big foreign businesses right from the beginning of his bloody career – to destroy Germany; kill some Jews who were unwanted by rich Jews; and demolishing Old Europe – is a very obvious example.

The first steps of creating modern Liberal Democracy were:
            1-Piracy and mega-companies                  
            2-Trans-Atlantic slavery
            3-Mercantilism and merchant navy            
            4-Colonization of the Americas & Africa.
            5-International Capitalism & Individualism   
            6-Immorality, atheism & heresies.
            7-Liberalism & Anti-traditionalism.              
            8-Violence, demagoguery & anti-nationalism.
            9-The massacres of aristocracies, monarchs, nobility, nationalists & clergies in the name of
                revolutions and the people.
     And finally  10- Liberal-Democracy, Individualism, Socialism, Materialism & Communism.


Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N.

The Alternative for Radical Partisan Democracy

C.P.N. promises to be the moderate path and the real system of good governance. The ideology of Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N., is based on the following components:
1-Political:…………..Evolutionary Conservatism.
Vs        Radical Pluralism                      &         Authoritarian Hegemony.
            2-Social:……………..Civic Cooperation.
                                    Vs.       Liberal Individualism                 &         Totalitarian Communism
            3-Economic:…………Intelligent Morality.
                                    Vs.       International Capitalism &         State Socialism.
            4-Cultural:……………Moderate Traditionalism.
                                    Vs.       Global Modernization               &         Reactionary Customs.
            5-Religious:………….Free Fraternity.
                                    Vs.       Atheist Secularism                    &         Religious Extremism.
            6-Administrative:……Autonomous Meritocracy
                                    Vs.       Majority Rule                           &         Minority Rule.
            7-Ethnic:……………..Indigenous Integration
                                    Vs.       Aggressive Expansionism          &         Xenophobic Fascism.
The Fundamental Principles of  Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N.                       
The Component
Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N.
As a political system
Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N.
As an ideology
The Control of Powers
Evolutionary Conservatism
Qualified Free Estate Suffrage
Civic Corporatism
The Rule of Love
Intelligent Morality
Effective Civic Institutions
Moderate Traditionalism
Culture of National Freedom
Free Fraternity
National Sovereignty
Autonomous Meritocracy
Corporate Participation
Indigenous Integration
The way to Freedom, Fairness and Faith, (F.F.F.), is through:
1-     Anti-Democracy; Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Individualism;
2-     Anti-totalitarianism; Anti-Communism and Anti-Materialism;     and
3-     Anti-Radicalism; Anti-Liberalism and Anti-Globalism.
Modernization is not Development, at all, but the right path is the Moderate Path, which is Conservative Professional Nationalism, C. P. N.  i.e.:
1-     Conservatism; Moderation and Nobility;
2-     Professionalism; Love and Morality;     and
3-     Nationalism; Cooperation; Humanism.


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