EAC Court of Justice starts hearing DP MPs election case

The East Africa Court of Justice will on Tuesday 23rd August 2011 begin to hear a case filed there by one of Uganda’s opposition parties, the Democratic Party.

The case filed by the Democratic Party and its Legal Advisor, Mukasa Fred Mbidde is against The Secretary General of the East African Community and The Attorney General of the Republic of Uganda.

DP sued the government of Uganda and the EAC protesting the procedure being followed in electing representatives of the East Africa Legislative Assembly.

Mbidde in the petition claims that the procedure which gives the ruling party majority spots is discriminatory against the small political parties thus denying them representation in the regional parliament.

DP contends that the EALA delegates are currently elected from among competitors by all MPs, meaning that the NRM with a huge majority will most likely take all the seats.

This procedure is different from the election of representatives for the African Union Parliament where the five delegates are elected based on the numeric strength of a particular party in parliament.


The case, application Number 6 of 2011 will be heard before the Principal Judge Honourable Mr. Justice Johnston Busingye, the Deputy Principal Judge Honourable Lady Justice Mary Stella Arach Amoko and Honourable Mr. Justice Isaac Lenaola.

According to a statement from the court registrar, the hearing will take place in open Court, 1st Floor, Leopard Tours Company Limited Building along Arusha-Moshi Road.

Ultimate Media

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