As Uganda prepares to mark World International day the government has been challenged to address all areas that have been identified to be dangerous in as far as Aids transmission is concerned.

Musa Bungudu, the Country Director of UNAIDS, the UN body responsible for HIV/AIDS, told a joint press Conference at Parliament that unprotected sex and mother to child transmission are still leading dangers in the spread of HIV/AIDS.
He says much emphasis needs to put to see that the trend of unprotected sex and mother to child transmission of HIV are brought down in the Country and the World at large.
In a related devolopment the Uganda Aids Commission Director Dr Kihumuro Apuuli expressed fear that the AIDS scourge in Uganda is still growing high despite efforts by Government to sensitize the masses on preventive measures.
Dr. Kihumuro says the aids prevalence among the married couples, boda boda riders, prostitutes among others is still high and something must be done to bring the high prevalence down.
Dr Kihumuro also said the government must take over the funding of Aids programmes in the Country because most donor Countries are pulling out and other are threatening to pull out which he said puts a big risk especially to people who are now on treatment and cannot meet the cost of buying the life prolonging ARV drugs.
By Isaac Senabulya