Public Accounts Committee to investigate Burundi war payment

The Public Accounts Committee is to investigate in details the circumstances under which Burundi Government was paid 14 Million Dollars compensation in exchange of   supplied material to President Museveni’s National Resistance Army rebels during the bush war (1981-1986) and after the liberation war, the support was converted into a national debt.

During the Committee meeting Chaired by Terego County MP Wadri Kassiano members noted  that the said money was not paid to Burundi Government as was agreed which has prompted the Committee to summon officials from Burundi Government to hear from their side whether the money was received or not.

Kassiano also said the 14 million dollars in Question is said to have been paid through Picfare account which was supposed to supply them with Stationery so that the committee can establish how Ministry of Finance wired the money to Picfare so that the truth is established.

In related development the Committee has also pointed out five Cabinet Ministers who are said to have handled the transaction will  appear before the Committee.

The Ministers to appear include  Khidu Makubuya Former Attorney General, Syda Bumba then Finance minister , Sam Kutesa Foreign Affair Mwesigwa Rukutana then State for Finance among others.

Ultimate Media



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