The coalition for health promotion and social development, a national health rights organization and the action aid are to recruit professionals who can work under minimum supervision to fill the following posts: programme manager- community empowerment programme, programme assistant- community empowerment programme, programme officer administrative and human resource, programme officer research and monitoring, programme officer communications and documentations.
On the other hand, action aid is an international development agency working in over 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and theCaribbean. Its mission is to work with poor and excluded people in the world to eradicate poverty by overcoming the injustices and inequality that cause it. Action aid is launching a web and print publications to provide regular, timely, accurate, and clear information on social, economic, and environment dimensions ofUganda’s oil and gas exploration and production.
Staff writers are required immediately to support the organisation’s effort. Applicants must have bachelors’ degree and be able to demonstrate strong research and writing skills.
Ultimate Media
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