An Arab kills Ugandans in Southern Sudan

A man believed to be an Arab from Khartoum (Northern Sudan) has killed over 40 people in Southern Sudan. There are fears that the dead might include Ugandans operating in Southern Sudan.

The Interior minister in Southern Sudan, Manani Magaya told the press that the people killed were from the cattle corridor of Warrap state.

There are reports allover Southern Sudan and the nearby states that the attacker might have been sponsored by the government in Khartoumover oil grievances.

 South Sudan seceded from northernS udanin July last year. But since that time Northern Sudan has been accusing Southern Sudan of backing rebels to over throw the government in Khartoum.

Southern Sudan is one of the countries in the world where insecurity is at its peak and almost everyone has access to guns to do ill motives. Ugandan, Rwandans and other businesspersons in Southern Sudan have been complaining that the people of Southern Sudan dress up in military attire and rob their property in broad day right.

By James Okello

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