President Museveni is scheduled to launch a new book titled ‘the history of Nabumali in 100 years.’ The date for the function is June 16th 2012. On the same day Nabumali High School will celebrate 100 years of existence.
President Museveni will be the chief guest at the function expected to attract old students, friends of Nabumali living in the diaspora, Members of parliament and representatives of key traditional institutions in Uganda.
The function will run under the theme ‘recollecting Nabumali back to the international scene.’ Nabumali once a first class school in Uganda is struggling to regain its lost glory. The headmaster of Nabumali James Mulomi says that they have invited all old students of Nabumali working in key offices across the world to attend the function. Nabumali was established in 1912 by the Church Missionary Society of England.