There are PhD positions in Biostatics related fields for Developing Countries at the University of Belgium,
Task description
- You will carry out research and develop or investigate new and improved statistical methodology relevant for data and research topics of developing countries.
- Under the co-supervision of a partner in the South, you will take part in the South-North research collaboration and contribute to the local capacity building in the South. You will defend a PhD within a 6 years period.
- You will carry out applied research within the I-BioStat consultancy unit and transfer your experience, expertise, knowledge and skills to the South.
- Being highly motivated to take part in the South-North collaboration and to contribute to the local capacity building in the South;
- Being experienced in the use of statistical software such as SAS, R, StatXact, etc.
- Enjoying working in an multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
- Having finished or are currently finishing the ICP Master of Biostatistics;
- Being intrinsically motivated, thinking analytically and creatively, working in an organised and focused manner and on an individual/independent basis, under the joint supervision of a promoter in the South and a promoter in the North;
- Possessing excellent knowledge of the English language and good scientific writing skills;
Master of BiostatisticsEmployment
The appointment takes effect as of 01/10/2012, for a period of 2 years, extendable to two more periods of 2 years, each time conditional on a positive evaluation.
Further information
Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Marc AERTS, +32-11-268247,
Prof. dr. Paul JANSSEN, +32-11-268027,
Prof. dr. Geert MOLENBERGHS, +32-11-268238,
dr. Herbert THIJS, +32-11-268228,
Content terms of employment and selection procedure:, +32-11-268080
Applicants must use the official application forms which can be downloaded here
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following
Please add a copy of your diploma, a list of courses and your results per course. Without these we cannot evaluate your application.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than 06 March 2012.
Selection procedure
Preselection on the basis of CV. Interview with the selected candidates.