Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships for poor equipped primary schools

Palmhouse Foundation scholarships: Palmhouse Foundation provides Palmhouse Foundation scholarships to bright and talented children from families that are financially challenged by diverse circumstances and most of whom have attended poorly equipped rural primary schools.

Without the Palmhouse Foundation scholarships, their future remains bleak and are likely to remain trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty.

By financing their secondary education and mentoring each child through this impressionable age, Palmhouse Foundation believes they will transform their lives, their families and ultimately the society they live in.

The Foundation has so far committed to finance the secondary education of 106 children drawn from the entire Republic of Kenya.

The main factors encountered during the selection process that appear to impact on the children’s circumstances and hence making it difficult for them to secure secondary education include:

  • Loss of one or both parents through disease, and especially AIDS;
  • Loss of one or both parents through ethnic or politically instigated clashes;
  • Family instability where one parent has squandered the resources available to the family, separated or divorced leaving the children virtually destitute;
  • Loss of employment, especially through retrenchment and where the parents had no savings, guidance in investing their terminal benefits or social safety net;
  • Single mothers overwhelmed by the demands of bringing up a family;
  • Neglect by other family members and relatives who appear to have limited means;
  • Landlessness, poor land productivity and just abject poverty.

For further details, and application materials, contact: Palmhouse Foundation Scholarships


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