International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis Grants: Ghent University – Department of Food Safety and Food Quality – is offering a three months International Training Program in Food Safety, Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis.
Food safety is related to microbiological, chemical and physical hazards and is resulting in short term (e.g. infectious disease, kidney problems) or long term (chronical) health problems (e.g. cancer, reduced life expectancy).
The prevalence of chemical hazards and foodborne pathogens and the reported number of cases and outbreaks in the agri food chain are still high, thus affecting personal lives, business and countries economies.
The purpose of this project is to train and disseminate knowledge and know how to participants, working for governmental, research or non profit organisations in the agri food chain and carry responsibility within the control of different aspects of food safety in developing countries.
The main subjects, microbiological, chemical and physical hazards, in food safety are intensively reviewed. Participants will be trained to manage the possible measures of the hazards specified by (inter) national legislation, (Codex Alimentarius) guidelines, quality assurance standards/systems (e.g. Pre Requisite Programs, HACCP, ISO 22000, Global Gap).
Offered every two years.
For more information and application, see: International Training Programme in Food Safety, Quality Assurance Systems and Risk Analysis Grants